The graphs of quadrilateral classes.

Carl Eberhart, [email protected]

Interacts to investigate the graphs of the various classes of quadrilaterals in $\mathbb{P}$.

This page has several different sage interacts designed to investigate the parameter space $\mathbb{P}$ for the model $\mathbb{Q}$ of the space of convex quadrilaterals, as defined in this paper, or this revision.

A quadrilateral $ABCD$ is in the model if

$A=(1,0)$, $C=(-1,0)$, $X=(t_1,0)$, $B=X+2t_3t_4\,(\cos(t_2\,\pi/2),\sin(t_2\,\pi/2))$, $D=X-2t_3(1-t_4)\,(\cos(t_2\,\pi/2),\sin(t_2\,\pi/2))$,

where the parameters are defined by $t_1=AX$, $t_2$ is the ratio of angle $AXB$ to 90 degrees, $t_3=BD/2$, and $t_4=BX/BD$, and satisfy the constraints below.

$t_1,t_2,t_3 \in (0,1]$ and $t_4 \in (0,1)$, $t_4 \in (0,1/2]$ when $t_1=1$ or $t_2=1$, and $t_4 \in (0,t_1/2]\cup [1-t_1/2,1)$ when $t_3=1$

Thus, each quadrilateral corresponds to a unique point $(t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4) \in \mathbb{P}$, and you use the parameter space to visualize the relations between various classes of quadrilaterals.

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$t_2$ Cross-sections of the Graph $\mathbb{P}$ of the model for the quadrilaterals.

tall trapezoids: yellowshort trapezoids: pink
cyclic quadrilaterals: turquoisetangential quadrilaterals: magenta
extangential 1 quadrilaterals: greenextangential 2 quadrilaterals: orange

This sagelet is very useful to see the relation between various classes of quadrilaterals. Note the cross-section of the trapezoids and also the cross-section of the cyclic quadrilaterals remains unchanged as $t_2$ varies. This tells us that their graphs are the cross-section crossed with $(0,1]$. By checking two classes at once, you may see a one dimensional cross-section of the two dimensional class defined by their intersection. By playing with this sagelet, you can convince yourself that (1) the trapezoid graph separates the parameter space into 3 pieces, (2) the cyclic graph separates the middle quadrilaterals into 2 pieces and intersects the trapezoids in the equilateral trapezoids.

In this sagelet, select values $0 \lt t_1, t_2, t_3 \le 1, 0 \lt t_4\le 1$ for a quadrilateral $\mathcal{Q}$ and see how many copies of it lie in $\mathbb{P}$. If $t_1, t_2, t_3 \lt 1$, then $\mathcal{Q}$ lies in the interior of $\mathbb{P} $ and there is only one copy. If at least one of $t_1, t_2, t_3$ is $1$, there are 1, 2 or 3 additional copies of $\mathcal{Q}$ in $\overline{\mathbb{P}}$, and only one of them is in $\mathbb{P}$. It is the grey dot in the model and is shown below in black. The others are red dots in the model and shown below in red. For example, try $t_1=1, t_2=.8, t_3=1, t_4=.7$.

The $t_1=1$ and $t_2=1$ boundaries of $\mathbb{P}$ are easy to see. For example, if $t_1=1$, then except when $t_4=.5$, $(1,t_2,t_3,t_4)$ and $(1,t_2,t_3,1-t_4)$ are (distinct) congruent members of $\overline{\mathbb{P}}$ under 180 degree rotation about $(0,0)$, so we choose the member for which $t_4\le .5$ to be in $\mathbb{P}$. So the $t_1=1$ boundary is 'bottom half' of the $t_1=1$ face of $\mathbb{I}^4$. Similarly, the $t_2=1$ boundary of $\overline{\mathbb{P}}$ is the bottom half of the $t_2=1$ face of $\mathbb{I}^4$. The $t_3=1$ boundary of $\mathbb{P}$ is the most interesting. It is still one of the $t_3=1$ face of $\mathbb{I}^4$, but it could be described as 'a' bottom quarter together with 'a' top quarter of the $t_3=1$ face of $\mathbb{I}^4$. In this sagelet, you can put in the $t_1$, $t_2$, and $t_4$ parameters for a quadrilateral with $t_3=1$ and see where it lies in the $t_3=1$ boundary of $\mathbb{P}$. It is shown as the black point, and the congruent members of $\overline{\mathbb{P}}$ not in $\mathbb{P}$ are shown as the red point(s). Note when $t_2=1$, $t_1 \lt 1$, and $t_4 \ne .5$, there are 3 red points.

In this sagelet, you can put in the $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ parameters for a tangential or extangential quadrilateral and see where it lies in the particular $t_2$ cross section of the parameter space. Keep $\gamma \ge \beta$ so as to keep the slope of $BD$ positive or $\infty$. The type of quadrilateral you get depends on $\delta=\alpha+\beta+\gamma$. If $\delta > 180$, you get a tangential quadrilateral. If $\delta \lt 180$, you get an extangential quadrilateral, with the cutpoint between extangential A and B occuring near $\delta = 112$ degrees. Interesting problem: determine the cutpoint exactly. It is not constant. It is a function of $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$. If it lies outside the model, the quadrilateral is red.

In this sagelet, you can put in the $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ parameters for a tangential or extangential quadrilateral and see where it lies in the particular $t_2$ cross section of the parameter space. Keep $\gamma \ge \beta$ so as to keep the slope of $BD$ positive or $\infty$. The type of quadrilateral you get depends on $\delta=\alpha+\beta+\gamma$. If $\delta > 180$, you get a tangential quadrilateral. If $\delta \lt 180$, you get an extangential quadrilateral, with the cutpoint between extangential A and B occuring near $\delta = 112$ degrees. Interesting problem: determine the cutpoint exactly. It is not constant. It is a function of $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$. If it lies outside the model, the quadrilateral is red.

In this sagelet, you can put in the $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ parameters for a tangential or extangential quadrilateral and see where it lies in the particular $t_2$ cross section of the parameter space. Keep $\gamma \ge \beta$ so as to keep the slope of $BD$ positive or $\infty$. The type of quadrilateral you get depends on $\delta=\alpha+\beta+\gamma$. If $\delta > 180$, you get a tangential quadrilateral. If $\delta \lt 180$, you get an extangential quadrilateral, with the cutpoint between extangential A and B occuring near $\delta = 112$ degrees. Interesting problem: determine the cutpoint exactly. It is not constant. It is a function of $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$. If it lies outside the model, the quadrilateral is red.